The door is hacked to allow wall fixtures on either side without thinking it's being blocked.The Sims 4 Building Tutorials: Advanced Counters, Islands, and Cabinets by Norma Blackburn The curtains are "wall fixture" hacked so it will share wall space with other objects. See enclosed Read-me for instructions on adjusting prices.Ĭafe Items (set of 6) - a small dining table and chair, built-in wall shelves (decor), a saloon style door (hacked), and curtains in two sizes (hacked). The required food files from Inés Sim Bakery are included in zip. Objects hidden when a buffet is set will be "replaced" once the table is cleaned. When not being used as a buffet table this surface is a functioning sideboard (Sims will serve meals here instead of a counter). Inés Ala Carte Pastry Buffet - Home Business Object - a self serve buffet table that sells Inés' Sim Bakery goods (there is a "Free Pastries" option, as well). The door is hacked to allow wall fixtures on either side without thinking it's being blocked.

The awning is "wall fixture" hacked so it will share wall space with other objects. Shop Items (set of 5) - 4-in-1 pastry display cabinets that Sims can browse for fun, an awning (hacked), a door (hacked) a window (1 tile), and a shop window with lights (2 tile). See enclosed Read-me for instructions on adjusting prices. The required skins files for the cake box prop are included in zip. This 2-in-1 stand may be placed on the floor or a surface (the graphic will adjust itself appropriately). On Location lots this display stand provides decoration and ambiance as Townies still appear to purchase cake boxes even though your Sims cannot.

Sims with lower motives are more inclined to make this their final purchase and may head on home, making room for more customers.

Inés "Grab & Go" Boxed Pastries Display - Home Business Object - a sales display that sells a cake box to Sims (please note that no items are actually placed in the Sims' inventory) on Residential lots. The posters act as traditional wall lights but are hacked to keep some of their "glow", even in darkened rooms. Shop items (set of 4) - 6-in-1 pastry display cabinets that Sims can browse for fun with an additional wedge shaped corner piece, a 3 tiled wall-o-donuts display (decor only), and 3-in-1 "Inés' Bakery" Poster Lights. NPC & cart are bundled in one easy to clone. Cart is hacked so that counters placed next to it will corner. Inés Bakery 2-in-1 cafe cart with NPC sells both espresso & pastry from one cart.