Osu lazer no osu stable installation abailable
Osu lazer no osu stable installation abailable

The following is a comprehensive list of the current state of lazer in comparison to stable. The rest of this document will refer to osu!(lazer) as "lazer" and osu!(stable) as "stable" for simplicity. "lazer" is a codename and will eventually be dropped as it becomes the primary release of the game.

osu lazer no osu stable installation abailable

At the end of the day, the players will dictate when this happens and we will continue to support the previous release until users have migrated across. The eventual goal is that this version will be released as an update which will completely supersede the existing stable version of the game, but there's still some work to be done before that is feasible. It is the culmination of several years of work behind the scenes to painstakingly reimplement the game. Osu!(lazer) is the next major update to the game. For now, scores set on lazer should not be considered permanent.

osu lazer no osu stable installation abailable

Notice: We are still figuring out game balance and mechanics.

Osu lazer no osu stable installation abailable